Monday, August 1, 2011

Ten mistakes when you take a cruise

!±8± Ten mistakes when you take a cruise

It 'a shame to have $ 250 - $ 2,500 for a dream cruise only on margins and unnecessary inconvenience to answer. So, in an effort, the likelihood of a bump in the road, to minimize your perfect vacation, here are some common potholes that can be avoided.

Mistake # 1: Do not Be Distinctive luggage. At the end of your cruise will be your luggage in a huge room with thousands of baggage attached, probably in some specific area, based on the color of aLuggage tags that came on board. No matter how much you think you know is your personal luggage, it's amazing how good your luggage is in the mass of the load to mix around them. Being a fast and easy way to identify your luggage is a great relief, especially if it is moved.

But is not the main reason, apart from the luggage. It is celebrated to enter this cavernous space with a few thousand other people, some of which have been awake all night. They areis going to be eager to get his bag and go and it's a good chance that their vision is not as good. If you look out your pocket as their pocket, it might be a goner. And if a stranger you do not take your luggage, you could spend hours, even days before returning.

To do something lasting and tangible for our luggage so that it is only visible to you, but we also know bleary-eyed fellow, that the bag is not his bag. Adhesives have a Day-Glo stripsaround him, a teddy bear stitched on the outside ... Just make sure it stands out.

Mistake # 2: Do not search shore excursions in advance. It should come as no surprise that people cruise line advertisements to describe the way in which each country trip as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Of course, no cruise is complete without hiking opportunities and many of them are absolutely wonderful, things you would never do otherwise. But, be smart here. Is it okay to gettricked out thinking that the palms sway to do all day, and the sand feels like silk beneath your feet. But it's a whole 'nother thing to look forward to the perfect, sunny afternoon on a secluded beach, only to find that 500 friends, some with small children, are no longer with you and your deck chair, while vendors hawk everything from coconut shells to t-shirts.

Before you commit, read some reviews, talk to people cruise ship shore excursion, ask your colleaguesPassengers, many people think. Most cruise ships have a policy of "no refund" for shore excursions, but do not be afraid to ask then, if your experience is not really acceptable. Better yet, find out what you're getting into before you go. Many (if not most) of the shore excursions are just great and you'll be glad you did. But cover your ass and you will not regret it.

Mistake # 3: Runaway bar tabs. Unless specifically a package that contains the tab bar is not included and"All inclusive" part of your cruise. In addition to the bite of the ubiquitous 15% gratuity for each purchase on board a ship is taken.

I suggest that you drink less, but this is just stupid! You are on a cruise! So sure how much you drink. This lovely umbrella drinks that come in a beautiful canary-yellow cup costs about twice as much as a cocktail base costs. Alcohol cruise ship is already expensive enough, you do not need helpmore money for a cup to stow in a closet when you get home.

Cruise ships have a policy against alcohol on board, but the policy is applied very loosely, if you do not show off. In other words, do not strap a handle on a case of Budweiser and check it as baggage, or invite your hand luggage with bottles of Wild Turkey. Discretely packaged bottles of beer cans or liquor, probably go unnoticed. Try not to sponsor a fraternity party, but you can definitelyA little help themselves'.

You can bring your own wine on board if you plan to drink at dinner, even if you pay a "tax capping." And you can even with a small supply of soft drinks (soft drinks, water, etc.) without problems. You should bring a bit 'of water, especially when cruising in warm climates.

Mistake # 4: Ignore the fury of the Gods Treatments Sun burns are the fourth most important reason why people visit on a cruise shipInfirmary. (The first three are: 1) bumps and bruises, 2) digestive disorders, 3) sea sickness). Once mastered, there is no one point we can only try to relieve the pain. (My preferred treatment for this is the so-called "Traumeel". It can be found in pharmacies, health food stores, but many places have that too.)

If you are in the winter months (November to February) are cruising, you do not have a big problem. Even if you are in the subtropics and, even if the skin is not likelyseen the sun for several months, the sun is hitting in a corner, and that makes the difference. You must be careful, but you have more leeway.

In spring and summer months when the sun is directly overhead, you can burn in less than an hour, especially during the afternoon. Some stupid people give up the sunscreen, because they ensure that they want to tan. It's not a good idea. Start your sunbathing with at least SPF 15 (30 if you have not been in the sun, withadditional protection to the lips). As you get closer to your final time, use less SPF. To know even with a good sunscreen, your friends and colleagues still believe that you have been in the sun.

Hats are a serious matter and if you are burning. Most people do not put sunscreen on their heads, and so that part of your body that is the direct beam for the longest time ever, remains protected. Visors do not protect your skull, there is a sort of. Cover

Mistake # 5: No first aid kit. As already mentioned, there are several reasons for passengers at the end of wasting time (and sometimes money) to visit the infirmary. It may not be able to avoid all the flaws, but you can prepare for minor errors. Among other things, this goes double if you are traveling with children!

Bumps and bruises. The main reason people visit the ship's doctor probably has something to do with alcohol mixing, slippery surfaces, metal railings andthe rolling of the ship. For most of your injuries, the right size and paving a good analgesic cream do the trick. A simple trip or camping first aid kit first thing you need.

Stomach pain. One of the disadvantages of having constant access to all this rich wonderful food that cruise ships are famous that people eat. And eat it. And eating even more. If you are not a strict discipline, you can expect about two or three times usingnormal amount of food on an average day. In addition, the continuous consumption of alcohol, a hallmark of the cruise is, and voila! Stomach pain. Take a couple of Alka Seltzer, Pepto Bismol and some kind of sum antacid tablet, like Tums or Rolaids. All these are available in tablet form. Some ships have a few shops, but not always, and if in the middle of the night you have no luck.

Seasickness. The best treatment is prevention. Once there also ...yuck! Discover the various forms of Dramamine are now available, including pills and patches. The signs will tell you how long before taking the waves must hit for maximum effect. You can also acupressure wristbands that work very well with some people.

One of the best treatments I've ever for the treatment of seasickness visa if crackers and Coca-Cola hits - lots of both. Some say that 7-Up works well, but I think there is something incaffeine cola helps that the whole process. If you are sick, the cabin is the worst place to stay if the weather is really bad at the top. The way to get fresh air and see the horizon helps the sensors of the brain that trigger seasickness rest.

Headache. We all know that alcohol can shout your head to make the grace, but so can sun and lots of new foods. If it is not used for carbohydrates in the diet heavy and the scarf a lot of sweets, ice cream and gourmet desserts, yourIt can cause the same symptoms that the body does when detoxing from too much alcohol. And if you are bumps, cuts or burns experience a painkiller is a good thing. Have a supply of different types of painkillers. Depending on the reason for your pain, aspirin may not be as good as Tylenol or ibuprofen in certain circumstances. (I must remember to read the label and follow the instructions?)

Mistake # 6: What? No camera? A picture really is worth a thousand words. It 'hard to, But imagine some people are actually the journey of their dreams, and not a camera. Or is it a camera, but will keep him with them. Do not do it. If you have a digital camera, use, use, use. If you do not have a digital camera, pen for about three or four disposable ones. And be sure to camera to the Life Boat Drill. You'll know it when you arrive.

A side bar, the camera is the photo-ops that have the whole ship. SinceDozens of them are on your cruise - if you boarding if you are in the restaurant, if you keep the ship in the pool - it sometimes seems that someone is taking your picture every time you turn around. We are of course free to refuse. But I recommend that there is a surplus. Yes, these photos can be goofy, even cheesy, but they can also do a lot of fun. Also, you might end up with the best shot of the cruise. Some of the settings are very elegant, what rivalYou might find in a studio. It 'a great way to get a nice picture for your formal living room or to send your family, and there is no tax!

Mistake # 7: Purchase of street vendors. Wherever you go on your cruise as soon as you step ashore you approach (interested?) From local people trying to be something to sell. I'm not talking about the shops and makeshift stalls of the boys I can say I'm excited to sell Cuban cigars from their tribes, or talk about pirated CDsCardboard.

The best thing, unless you've been there and really know the outcome is fair to say NO. No matter how tempting the offer saying, not really. Most products are of very poor quality, and you have no way to verify this before buying. I know people who bought the CD in the CD sleeve, watches purchased did not work, Cuban cigars at the local pharmacy, jewelry "handmade" which came out of bubble gum machines, the list is endless. And that is sixteen times whena local man is trying to sell some pots.

In most ports the ships visited the American base, this traffic is actually illegal. You probably will not be brought into trouble, but why risk it? Save your money for honest people and their small shops, which sell watches to do the job, they simply collapsed in a few weeks.

Mistake # 8: Do you save money, "In Town". One of the most fascinating aspects of the cruise is the ritual of visiting the local markets andShops. This is really a fun experience, and you can find all kinds of items unique and special, but probably will not find any genuine bargain. There are opportunities to find, but you really need to know what you're looking for and what it's worth in the United States. Do not be cynical about. It 's all part of the experience. Somehow, buying a wooden giraffe in Grand Turk is better than buying the same wooden giraffe at Pier 1 Imports, even if you pay a little 'more. Go figure.

You can actuallySave money when buying alcohol or tobacco, but does not handle as good as it might seem at first. Most have doors, which are "duty free" shops, there is no "duty" (import duties) paid on the products and resources so that they sell cheaper, called in this country. The same goes for diamonds and other precious jewels. The challenge is to know what an item is actually worth. Just because these guys can save you on import taxes is that they are passing the savings on to you.Also, remember that you are at U.S. Customs with a statement of all purchases are made in a foreign country. Duty free in Nassau, does not mean that it is duty free, if you return the United States. There are some exceptions for personal items, but if some nuts big bucks, you could lose your savings if you pay the import in the United States.

Therefore, it is not a miser. To spend freely. Christmas shopping. Spread your money into the local economy and have fun doing it. Remember, thisBoys are in the business of selling stuff to foreign tourists. Do you know where the money comes from and know how to keep as much of it, as they can.

Mistake # 9: Sticking around the harbor. Yes, the ships safely into harbor, but that's not what ships are built for. Most of the ports, especially if the call can be after a day or less, to allow ships passengers a unique experience. To achieve this with their ports, a visitor-friendly as possible.The experience of Mexico, which is available directly from the port in Cozumel is decidedly different from the experience of Mexico, on the other side of the island. Around the port, all types of activities in a certain economic comfort and a certain charm.

But often, a few kilometers from the port, you can create a completely different experience. If you are traveling to Grand Turk, for example, you can spend a pleasant afternoon in the resort-like setting of theMargaritaville. The beach is well maintained, although a little 'crowded. There is a large pool area with palm trees and artificial waterfalls. A beer costs about $ 6 and a burger will be about $ 8.

But it takes only a short taxi ride to the old city is instead a much more authentic. At least for the moment. You can walk to the crowded, dusty streets, see the dogs lean mix through trash cans and have a local beer and a piece of fried chicken for about $ 3.75 toa local pub. Of course, the pub would never pass an American control food and you can do without air conditioning. But the experience can be wonderful. You do not experience the closeness to the port.

Of course, you want to be sure, and you want to be able to return to your ship, before holding a volume business, so everything in my head. However, there is a whole universe of colors, sounds, smells and people that are not always enough to get the connection and find that it is worthit.

Mistake # 10: Not Preparing for the return trip. Sooner or later (seems too early), the cruise will come to an end and you must return to the land of make your own bed and cook your own food. The return home is often a need for something annoying and as quickly as possible to bear. But when you get back into the reality that you are leaving in a hurry, a little 'like a diver on the surface too quickly after diving deep. Your body and mindto resist.

If possible, have some fun 'on the way home. Stay an extra night at the hotel or visit a landmark or even a theme park. At least to stop at a nice restaurant for a leisurely lunch or dinner. A quiet picnic (even with fast food) is the ride home on a lay-a perfectly delicious.

Here to do some things to make your return less stress and hurry.

o If you are driving, fill up before going to the port. Make sure thatwhen you leave, you should not stop until you want.

If you or your breakfast on your last morning, the cookies with you, or yourself a sandwich egg. If you thought to bring a thermos full of coffee or juice for the journey home.

Leave or a few bottles of water in the car. Many bus companies you can leave some personal belongings on the bus, so if I bring a little water and a pillow.

Discover or weathergo home. I once stood shivering in 40 degree weather outside the airport aloha shorts and a T-shirt. Hey, it was 85 degrees when I left this morning in Puerto Rico!

o Take the next day. When you return to port on a weekend, well. Otherwise, plan the time before leaving. Or sick leave. You will not regret it soooooooo.

A final recommendation.

Keep up with all the information that the documents you have on a cruise - the ship's daily newsletter, costsList price hike, etc. When you get home, all in a file folder and then use when planning for the reference material for you or for someone else the next time you cruise. And before you forget, write down all the things you want, he thought, and that you wanted to know. Make a complete list and stash the information with other cruise we took.

Cruise happy!

Ten mistakes when you take a cruise

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